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For Sale

Property Summary

An excellent opportunity to purchase a mixed development site with outline planning permission for the erection of 9 dwellings and 3 light industrial/B1 units granted in September 2021. The site was formerly a scrap metals business and includes a detached house together with a number of ancillary outbuildings and with a total area of approximately 1 hectare (2.5 acres).

Full Details

Holton le Clay is a good size village and has a number of local amenities including doctors surgery, public house, pharmacy and primary school. It is located approximately 5 miles south of the town of Grimsby and around 9 miles north of the town of Louth which offer a wider range of amenities and facilities.
The property is situated on the southern edge of the village adjacent to Peacefield Business Park and is conveniently positioned for access onto the nearby A16 road.

A former scrap metals site which includes a detached house, outbuildings and open storage land used for the former scrap metal business. The site has a total area of approximately 1 hectare (2.5 acres) and is a triangular shape and has current outline planning permission for development.

The land has outline planning permission under planning consent reference N/085/01415/21 which was granted on 7th September 2021 for permission to demolish the existing house and buildings and erect 9 dwellings at the front section of the site and 3 light industrial units to the rear of the site together with an attenuation pond. The consent is subject to a number of conditions. A copy of the consent is available at our office or at East Lindsey District Council's planning portal site which also includes all documents relating to the application.

We understand that the existing house has mains gas and electricity with water supplied by a private bore hole and drainage served by a private drainage system. We are informed that the site has 3 phase electricity. Interested parties should make their own enquiries of the service providers to confirm availability and capacity of sewers.

We are informed that the site is freehold with vacant possession.

All prices quoted in these sales particulars are net of VAT if applicable.

The property is sold subject to and with the benefits of all existing easements, wayleaves and rights of way whether or not stated in these sales particulars.

East Lindsey District Council,
Tedder Hall,
Manby Park,
LN11 8UP
Tel. No. 01507 601 111

By appointment only via selling agents, John Taylors.

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Louth Road, Holton-Le-Clay Grimsby, Lincolnshire

£800,000 Guide Price
  • Ref: 7104
  • Availability: For Sale

Property Features

  • Former Scrap Metals Site
  • Good access to Louth & Grimsby
  • PP for dwellings and light industrial units
  • Approx 1 hectare (2.5 acres) site
  • Edge of a well served village
  • No affordable dwellings
  • Planning Ref: N/085/01415/21
  • Make Enquiry